Fabricademy Final Project – Textile Bioplastic composite – Samples

Fabricademy Final Project – Textile Bioplastic composite – Samples

Fabricademy Final Project – Main

Fabricademy Final Project – Textile Bioplastic composite – Fabricks

Layered Fabric Composites

My initial task was to mill the samples created in the Week Textile Scaffo, so to carry on from where I left off, I chose a design I made for a 3D printed mould and used the same form as the Design for the RhinoCAM program.  These are the Textile composites made with Resin and Gelatin.


Coral Book – Vegetarian Bioplastic layered Textile Composite

The idea was to make a vegetarian bioplastic and have it milled in the same way. The only partially-successful layered composite I did manage to make was quite small at 140 x 100 x 30 mm. This was using a mixture of textile waste swatches combined with the “Not-so-Dough-BiSoCo” bio-binder. It took a month to properly dry!


Snapshot of my photo Library of Textile Composite Samples

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