Fabricademy Final Project – Textile Bioplastic composite – Structures

Posted in Textiles
Fabricademy Final Project – Textile Bioplastic composite – Structures

Fabricademy Final Project – Main

Fabricademy Final Project – Textile Bioplastic composite – Samples

TextilesTubes : Samples made into tube shapes

Creating structures with TextileTubes

Threading together tubes to create a geometric structure was just like making my beaded jewellery, but on a much larger scale.

This technique work for any kind of structure or shape.

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Geo Chair base

Again using the technique to make a flat geometric triangular structure, then curving it against the form of a chair.

What I later realised, is that I could stiffen the structure with the same bioplastic recipe and although the geometric pattern would be obscured, it could act as an interal structure to a form.I later used this concept in my final piece.

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Zero Waste ideas within the waste Textile composites concept

  1. From waste textile samples to stiff textile tubes
  2. Waste textile tubes into offcuts into Fabricks


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