Fabricademy Final Project – Bioplastics – Cornstarch
Fabricademy Final Project – Main Fabricademy Final Project – Bioplastics: Agar Fabricademy Final Project – Bioplastics: Other Recipies Here is a slide show of Tests I made using Cornstarch plus other ingredients throughout my final project. If you would like to know more about my research, results and look at more more visuals, please find […]
Bio Dyes : Bacteria Dyeing
Fabricademy Week 4: Bio dyes & bioplastics Lecture The lab space and our equipment TextileLab Amsterdam video Fabric Preparation I folded my fabric like an origami box! Here is also an image of Noor collecting the fabric samples of everyone. Dyeing with Bacteria Wearing our masks & watching the demonstration adding a solution to the […]
Fabricademy Week 12: Skin electronics
One of the stragest but most fascinating topics of the course was the skin electronics lecture. Using applications and processes from the Etextiles and soft robotcs classes, I created a soilicone mask with a series of LEDs in, all connected by a conductive thread on the outer layer. Check out my development processes, the original […]
Fabricademy Week 11: Soft Robotics
This weeks’ subject was (in a way) a continuation of the concept of integrated technology for our textiles, except in the unusual and ever expanding form of Soft Robotics. Our Global Instructor was Professor Lily Chambers, who gave us a wonderful lecture of the history, nature and development of soft robotic ideas in her own research […]
Fabricademy Week 10: Implications and Applications
A goal of mine for this Fabricademy course was to work on a project which used waste Textiles. This weeks assignment has led me to look into the reason behind my future project, my intentions and how I might be able to achieve it in the short & long term Below is the class ouitlina […]
Fabricademy Week 7 : The Textile Scaffold – Textile composites using Vacuum forming
Textile composites using Vacuum forming and Milling Part 1 – Bio resin made with gelatin Part 2 – Resin and vacuum Part 3 – Design and Milling Part 1 – Bio resin made with gelatin Here are the stages we did to create a Gelatin Bioplastic composite. Mix & create the horrid gelatin solution place the fabrics (dry) […]
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