Fabricademy Week 12: Skin electronics

Fabricademy Week 12: Skin electronics

One of the stragest but most fascinating topics of the course was the skin electronics lecture. Using applications and processes from the Etextiles and soft robotcs classes, I created a soilicone mask with a series of LEDs in, all connected by a conductive thread on the outer layer. Check out my development processes, the original […]

Fabricademy Week 11: Soft Robotics

Fabricademy Week 11: Soft Robotics

This weeks’ subject was (in a way) a continuation of the concept of integrated technology for our textiles, except in the unusual and ever expanding form of Soft Robotics. Our Global Instructor was Professor Lily Chambers, who gave us a wonderful lecture of the history, nature and development of soft robotic ideas in her own research […]

Fabricademy Week 9: E-Textiles and Wearables 2

Fabricademy Week 9: E-Textiles and Wearables 2

This weeks assignment was to continue developing our initial eTextiles projects started in Week 5 We were given two lectures by tutor Becky Stewart, who is a professor at Queen Mary University of London, an expert on electronics and integrating them into projects. Assignment 1: Create an interactive object; if you are already experienced with coding, focus […]

Fabricademy Week 8: Open Source Hardware – from fibres to fabrics

Fabricademy Week 8: Open Source Hardware – from fibres to fabrics

This class was based upon the open source hardware field and we focused on its potential in the area of textile. Our instructors this week were Mar Canet & Varvara Guljajeva. We looked at how we could enhance out of date machines for making textiles and how we might take advantage of fabricating digitally. We […]

Fabricademy Week 7 : The Textile Scaffold

Fabricademy Week 7 : The Textile Scaffold

The class this week focused on exploring techniques and applications of technical textiles in the industry and our Global Instructor was Anastasia Pistofidou. We were introduced to the idea of designing custom processes that need a set of tools, a few processes and a consistent workflow. We looked at applications and we experimented with many materials […]

Fabricademy: Week 6: Computational Couture

Fabricademy: Week 6: Computational Couture

Our tutor this week was Aldo Sollazzo who is a computational expert, Head of IAAC Visiting Programmes  and director and coordinator of RESHAPE – a digital craft community and a platform for the development and implementation of innovative ideas from the world of digital design and fabrication. Computational Couture Disciplines as programming and electronics become highly interconnected, […]